FEEL IT ON THE FIRST: I feel it’s very important to share with all the ladies out there the #feelitonthefirst movement. The idea is to bring awareness to early detection and to encourage all the ladies out there to become familiar with your breasts and become an advocate for your own health and monthly self examinations, because early detection is your best protection. I know it can be scary to find a lump, but self awareness is key in fighting and beating cancer. Since February I’ve been dealing with all the anxiety and emotions that come along with finding a mass, having multiple biopsies, going to doctors, waiting for results, etc. Those who are familiar with the process know how traumatic of a time this can be. Those who don’t, I hope you never have to find out, but please believe me when I tell you…it’s best to catch it early. Check your breasts, make it the biggest habit you have. Listen to your body. Go to the doctor when you feel something isn’t right...no matter what your age. Be proactive.
As I sit at home recovering from an excisional biopsy I had earlier this week to remove the ADH (Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia) in my left breast and surrounding tissue (to make sure there is no cancer) I have been reflecting on how grateful I am that I actually listened to my body when she was telling me something wasn't right. Knowledge is power, and now that I know that I am at high risk for breast cancer, I can be vigilant and proactive when it comes to my health and the health of my breasts.
So my hope is that all you beautiful ladies out there check your breasts today…let this be your first of the month reminder. I love my breasts, and I am sure you love yours, so show them you care, and join the movement. xxoo