“One persons medicine is another persons poison.” So don’t follow the food trends. Listen to your body instead.
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“I don’t want to be shiny & flawless. I want to tremble in my rawness, shake in the blooming shoes of my identity. I don’t want to be a perfect woman. Because she does not breathe or laugh or cry or dance or shout or love. Because she does not exist. I do. & I want to be me.” - Sarah Harvey
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WOMEN: Strong. Resilient. Like water, fire and air. Ebs and flows. Lovers. Fighters. Delicate. Fragile. Powerful. Empowered. Creators of life. Muses. Moon enchanters. Unbreakable. Unstoppable.
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We benefit now to embrace roads of peace and suffering. It was of choice to be born into these times. We need not focus only on changing the world, but to choose to be the change.
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"Christmas waves a magic wand over the world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." - Norman Vincent Peale
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