We benefit now to embrace roads of peace and suffering. It was of choice to be born into these times. We need not focus only on changing the world, but to choose to be the change.
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"Christmas waves a magic wand over the world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." - Norman Vincent Peale
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The other day, I received a text from a dear friend; she is doing a study for her business www.mpulsestudio.com, and she asked me ..."What makes you feel sexy?"
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When we focus on the beautiful qualities of all those around us as well as ourselves, we allow everyone to feel seen, heard and understood....
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For all of you who aren't sure, it is possible to be gay and Christian/Jewish/Muslim/etc. It's also possible to believe in God and science. It is possible to be pro-choice and anti-abortion. It is equally possible to be a feminist and love and respect men. It's possible to have privilege and be discriminated against, to be poor and have a rich life, to not have a job and still have money. It is possible to believe in sensible gun control legislation and still believe in one's right to defend one's self, family, and property, it's possible to be anti-war and pro-military. It is possible to love thy neighbor and despise his actions. It is possible to advocate Black Lives Matter and...
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