BOHEMIA BLOG — positive thinking

Embrace Your Mess

All too often we are consumed with the idea of perfection. The need to feel perfect. Perfectly beautiful, perfectly put together, perfectly successful, perfectly perfect. The chase for perfection is one filled with insanity. When did we become so consumed by it? Consumed by a chase that takes us away from our truth, masks our eternal beauty and ills the mind and body?  As a recovering perfectionist, I relate all too well. Always chasing the perfect body, feeling that if I got to my ideal "weight" or" body image" everything else in life would be okay. I used to have this crazy obsession with trying to be the perfect person in my intimate relationships because I was so scared of showing my truth,...

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Tuesday Soul Groove

How easy it is to get caught up in the things that don't matter. How much harder it is to see the soulfulness in those passing by. Let's take a moment to reconnect with what's true, to what's real. To our purpose. To our love. To our compassion. Don't wait until life brings you to your knees. Float freely in bliss now. Recognize the beauty in front of you and focus on what's important. Focus on living your soul purpose. Focus on feeding your soul. Focus on feeding your heart and your mind. Focus on changing your frequency and vibrate high. Focus on how blessed you are. Focus on what you want... for what you think, you will attract. You already knew...

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Live The Bohemia Way

Ignite your sensuality. Awaken your wanderlust. Feed your soul.